You know what really makes your doctor and the rest of the scientific brigade sick? It’s that the age of enlightment has never happened. Although we believe to live in a rational world, the human’s love for (supernatural) stories never really opened the door to rationalism. There is nothing we crave more than miracles, things which do not fit the pattern. Rationalism is around us but we're full of mystery.
They’re pissed off because they do the hard work, locked away in labs dressed in white, green or blue coats, but nowadays we choose to rather believe the stories which the old lady with the crystal ball reads in our palms. By the way this lady is high all the time.
Anyway they’re researching really hard, neglecting their wives and husbands and life itself to find out how all of us can have peaceful and happy relationships and lead a healthy life which satisfies all our needs and lasts if possible forever. Huhuh…
Then there are stories, legends and myths which have lasted longer than almost any scientific fact. No labs, no stress. Emerged out of nowhere.
Although there is overwhelming scientific evidence that there is neither a monster in Loch Ness, nor that the world was made in seven days the stories have come to life. What is alive does not want to die.
However what happens to the so-called scientific facts? Well if they’re a thing of the past we laugh about them (the guys were really stupid who thought God was angry when there was a thunderstorm), we forget them or they become stories.
So what are the most powerful stories about? They’re about things which science does not really have an answer for. Take this: apparently we choose the perfect partner based on the sense of smell. Why on earth did Oedipus marry his mother then? Scientifically there is probably no worse person on the planet to have kids with. Because Oedipus didn’t really exist???
No sorry. People have had kids with their sisters and mothers. Their names were just not Oedipus. That’s the crucial point: stories are a sort of science, a truth.
Therefore there is a competition between science and fiction. Science fights myths because it’s jealous: people still prefer stories otherwise books would have been written in formulas.