Do you have a masculine or a feminine job? Now don’t just think about yourself, your whole future is at stake. According to a study from the London School of Economics parents with masculine jobs such as carpenter, accountant or an engineer tend to have little boys, whereas parents who are in caring or teaching positions usually have girls.
Now various other studies suggested that girls are easier to raise and fit more in our modern world, cause they aren’t as difficult as boys, who always want the attention of their parents (how selfish can you get???) and are getting increasingly worse grades at school. If all these studies are correct that means that I’ll be rich soon if I stay at the bank because that’s a masculine job. Now if nobody wants boys anymore there will soon be a shortage and that means they’ll have to pay me more. Yibbi!
But don’t worry, if you’re in a feminine job. Yeah it’s probably a only a question of time until the people from the masculine jobs will come and threaten your position, in order to prevent getting screaming, noisy little boys. But I’m at your service so this is your rescue plan:
If you want to get rich arrange a marriage with an Asian family. Don’t get it? Well according to yet another study, Asian families, especially in those countries where there is a one-child policy prefer boys. Girls are becoming more and more subject to abortion now guess what happens, when there are no girls left to marry? Well, they will give you as many camels and Sake as you like for your daughter. Oh I love scientific studies and with their so called evidence, it’s such a fun toy.
Deal or no deal?
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