Some folks told me that they'd like to leave a comment but that 200 words just aren't enough. I do know that there's probably a possibility to build in a message board function but that would mean more codes and possible more freaking pop-ups.
So this is what I came up with. I will link this post to the main page. Whoever wants to say something which doesn't have anything to do with a specific post, can use the comment function below this post. I will get an e-mail alert so you will be heard, at least by me. If you want other readers to read what you have to say, announce it on the tag board.
The rules are more or less the same as at the original Speaker's Corner in London. You may say anything unless it's against the Queen. The difference? Well I'm the Queen of Somewhere over the Blue Globe. That means if you say something against me (which is not constructive criticism) you will go straight back to virtual non-existence ;-) The advantage? I don't care what you say about Elizabeth the Second.
I hope that you guys will use this feature cause it's really nice hearing from you all.
Einige haben mir gesagt, dass sie gerne einen generellen Kommentar hinterlassen moechten, aber dass 200 Worte einfach zu wenig sind. Ich habe einen Weg gefunden dieses Problem zu umgehen. Diese Seite wird einfach mit der Hauptseite verlinkt, ihr benuetzt die Kommentar Funktion unten und schon kriege ich ein e-mail, damit ich auch nicht verpasse, was ihr zu sagen habt.
Ich hoffe, dass ihr im Speaker's Corner eure Gedanken, Reaktionen oder was auch immer festhalten werden. Es ist naemlich immer schoen von euch zu hoeren.
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