Sunday, November 27, 2005

201 Words on Sunday: Voting in Switzerland

Once in my life I made it into the most popular newspaper in Zurich. Yeah I know what you think, but in fact the circulation was at about 380’000. Not bad. The picture showed me with three of my activist friends, all of us wearing gas masks and orange overalls (in fact I looked like an orange baby-elephant standing on its hind legs) throwing empty barrels into the lake of Zurich. This meant to symbolize the waste if the Swiss would not vote to ban nuclear energy. Despite of our efforts we lost. In the evening my relatives called and said that they had just seen me on national TV. A broken environmental activist looking really pissed off. Hm good thing I got out of that overall…

Today I don’t even know the dates and I don’t bother to vote most of the times. Guess what has been happening now. Each and every single time the Swiss voted what I wanted them to. Today it seems like it will happen again. I take this as a message. The next time I want to get dressed up it had better nothing to do with baby elephants or national politics.

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