Monday, May 16, 2005

Polish your poetry for free

Ever thought you'd like to write poetry, but you don't know how and where to start? I started only a year ago myself, I'm not an expert, but I found some books and a great link, which really helped me. No, I'm not the cousin or the grandchild of the author of one of these books, and no I'm not at all the webmaster of the page I'm about to praise. So you can trust me on this ;-)

-Creating Poetry by John Drury ISBN 0-89879-443-9 takes you through the process of poetry writing. How to start, where to find ideas, meter, stanza and all that is what's discussed in here.
-The Art and Craft of Poetry by Michael Bugeja ISBN 1-58297-101-3 explains what kinds of poems exists, what they have in common and how you can write elegies, sonnets and all the rest.

The Critical Poet (if the link doesn't work, just google critical poet and look out for ezboard) is where you post your poems for free. Other poets comment and what you've written and give you advice. There are different boards, where you can post your poems. If you've read some poetry books and already tried your hand at a few poems but are not used to people commenting on your work post it in the mild critique section. Otherwise jump right into the Critique and Revision section. Just don't forget to read and respect the guidelines.

Have fun!


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